Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hello world! I am alive and well although I didn't expect it to take this much time before I had access to the internet! That being said, I will have to try to condense the last week and a half into a few words. The journey over was pretty crazy, FIVE different cities, FOUR different countries, THREE different continents, TWO days, and ONE epic chocolate bar later, I arrived in Africa. I spent the first couple of days in the capital, Conakry, at the Peace Corps Headquarters. We were right along the ocean, and the weather was absolutely perfect (for me anyway)! The couple of days we spent in Conkary were filled with info sessions and crash language courses. I learned my first couple of phrases in the tribal language SUSU. So, I can now great the wonderful people who shout foté [white person] at me.
I am now over a week into training and living quite comfortably here in Dubreka. My host family is pretty great and they all speak French! My host family consists of Rose, the mother, Alexandre the father (who doesn't actually live there), Raoul who I THINK is Rose's brother and his is my age, Ousmane (who also doesn't live there), Sadiki who seems to be about seven, and Adolf who I think is around three. Rose is a great cook - I am loving the food here! She has made me pasta twice - something I never thought I'd eat here. Thankfully I have yet to experience the lovely side effects of the food and water although I know it's just a matter of time. I've even managed to avoid being sunburnt!
So I consider it strange that half of my family is catholic and half is muslim, but I guess that is very common here! I've been watching the family observe Ramadan, but I haven't yet participated. I was worried about finding a church here, but since some of my family is catholic, I go to church more often here then I did in the states! (3/week)!
Although I have many funny stories, the one that keeps coming to mind is that of the mosquito's. The first night I was there, I was bitten NINE TIMES! So I was sitting on the porch with my host brother and his cousin and a mosquito tries to bite me. I exclaim, "ugh. Why do mosquito's love me so much?" Well they thought this was hilarious and proceeded to explain that since I am white mosquito's can see me, and since they are black the mosquito's cannot see them!! My family is also quite concerned about my hiccups (which I get every day). I had spent the whole night with them on the porch, but they were convinced that I had been drinking! Drinking, along with knee-revealing, is a big no-no here. Although strangely girls walk around with their boobs hanging out.

Several notable firsts since my arrival
- my first husband! His name is Adolf. (I got through all of college without someone asking me out, two days in Dubreka and I am married! Don't worry though, he is three and I don't think he takes it too seriously)
- my first bucket bath
- my first time using a squat toilet (and I don't mind it at all)
- my first time washing all my laundry by hand

In my mad rush to get over to the compound to use the internet, I forgot my camera's memory card, so pictures will have to come another time. Hopefully the internet situation will work itself out. That's about all I have for now! I miss everyone and if anyone wants to come visit me, you are more than welcome!


  1. Christine, thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with us. I will look forward to all your posts over the next two years! :-) Kelley

  2. Sounds like you're having an amazing time so far!! I got your card and sbux giftcard in the mail, that was SO SWEET of you! I have yet to buy stationary and send you a letter, but I promise I will do that sometime this weekend and hopefully my letters will make it to you.

